1. The widespread technology has expanded its wings in almost every field, from machines to equipment, from scientific achievements to medical facilities and from small inventions to the bigger ones. Today, technology is providing an ease to the doctors in the medical field as well. There are various operational techniques available for the doctors and surgeons which can heal and cure many people. The technology is used in various medical centers for body modifications such as sexual enhancements, aesthetics, rites of passage, replacement of limbs, religious beliefs, various replacements of the body parts, and a creation of body art and sometimes even for self-expressions and beauty.
2. The latest technology has provided long-term benefits to the society in the area of health and body modifications. The technology used in the medical sector is widely appreciable and reliable as the impact has served a large number of people. It has led to the artificial improvement and modification of the human body parts. It has also helped the doctors in solving various medical problems such as heart transplants, laser operations, knee and limbs replacement, etc.
3. The long back efforts of the scientists and practitioners have resulted in a very good change for the society. The notable works do not seem alienated any longer; rather people are feeling confident about the latest medical technological era which is spreading worldwide like a forest fire. Some of the examples of body modifications through the use of advanced technology are as follows:-
• Corsetry
• Stretch lip piercing
• Foot binding
• Cranial binding
• Breast ironing or implantation
• Foreskin restoration
• Labia elongation
• Anal stretching
• Scrotal implants
• Tattooing
• Teeth blackening
• Eyeball tattooing
• Extraocular implantations
• Micro dermal implantations
• Tran dermal implantations
• Surface piercing
• Scarification
All the above are just the examples of all the body alterations which are rapidly growing and are in the trend in almost every country. More and more people are indulging in these body modification techniques in order to improve their physique and formation of the body. The technology is gaining more importance in the field of medical science as well as it has provided reliable solutions to almost every sector of the society. One of the major reason of its widespread growth is that provides ultimate satisfaction to the consumers. Furthermore, it has also improved the health of the society. The technology has gained importance in the medical science as now the people choose it for self-expression. It has a long lasting impact and several medical advantages.
The major disadvantage of these techniques is that it is very expensive. It can’t be used by every class of people, only the richer sections of the society can afford these technological operations. The technology used in the operations is f very high quality and most of the equipment are imported from the foreign countries due to which the cost of incurring expenses on these modifications is really high. This proves that the art of technology has reached its heights. The people are becoming more and more tech-savvy.
Modifications In The Human Body Through Technology
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