It’s no secret that sleep is important for you to function optimally. In fact, experts have been recommending that we get an average of six to nine hours per night for years! However, sometimes that’s easier said than done. In fact, according to statistics at the end of March 2022, only less than 20% of Brits get a full eight hours of sleep each night.
Whether you tend to stay up too late doing household chores, scrolling on your phone or binge-watching Netflix, sometimes the hours fly by. If you find yourself tossing and turning at night, read on for some handy tips to help you doze off.
Why is sleep so important?
Before we delve into some tips and tricks, it’s important to understand why sleep is so important.
Sleep is essential as it allows your body and mind to recharge, ready for the day ahead. If you sleep well, you not only feel alert and sharp, but you’re far less likely to experience anxiety and depression. If that wasn’t enough, getting enough sleep can also boost your creativity, productivity, and endurance. It’s also thought to help you maintain a healthy weight!
Why are we getting less sleep?
In today’s society, we are always “on”. Most of us have access to mobile phones and laptops, making it easy to check your emails or scroll through social media. The combination of artificial blue light coming from screens and a stressful working environment is the ultimate sleep disaster.
This is because blue light blocks the sleep hormone called melatonin. By blocking this hormone, you’re less likely to drift off easily.
How to improve your sleep?
The good news is that there are a few simple steps you can take to improve your sleep. They include:
- Sticking to the same bedtime – by creating a solid routine, you’re more likely to feel tired at your allocated bedtime.
- Invest in some relaxing oils – by investing in some calming oils like lavender oil, you can try to encourage your body to de-stress and relax. Once you’re relaxed, falling asleep is far easier.
- Avoid light exposure before bed – by ditching screens, televisions and laptops before bed, you’ll get rid of the pesky blue light that keeps you awake.
- Try red light therapy – red light therapy works by encouraging your body to create melatonin, making you feel drowsy. After that, falling asleep should be a doddle.
- Invest in a comfortable mattress – If you’restruggling to get comfortable, it may be worth investing in a new mattress. Nowadays, there are plenty of excellent options on the market that make sinking into bed at night a delight.
However, as some of these options don’t come cheap, it’s important to assess your financial situation to make sure you can afford them before delving into large purchases.
The bottom line…
Although sleep can be seen as a boring subject, it’s something we all need to be conscious of to maintain peak physical and mental health. If you haven’t already, why not give some of the above tips a go and see if you can improve the quality of your slumber?