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How will virtual reality affect our future?

Technology shapes the way we live. It influences our daily routine and pushes boundaries to unknown limits. The global pandemic had a toll on society to a level that we couldn’t imagine. On the other hand, virtual reality is a matter that raises some questions. Despite that, the virtual space has opened new doors that expanded our capabilities tremendously.

What is virtual reality all about?

Virtual reality (VR) uses cutting-edge graphics. It’s a computer-generated 3D design image representing an object, person, or event. This technology creates a unique experience in a computer-simulated environment where you are the main character and not just a participant. It’s called reality for a reason – the goal is to imitate the physical world as realistic as possible. 

For example, by using a VR headset, you can fully immerse yourself in the virtual 3D world. Here, people can explore and interact with each other via avatars. They take part in various activities; this way, creating a significant shift in how we experience the digital scene. 

The history of virtual reality 

Early attempts at virtual reality go way back. If we think of virtual reality as a way to create an illusion, then the earliest experiments of VR are panoramic paintings or murals from the 19th century. These extraordinary art pieces were designed to fill the viewer’s vision and make them feel present in that particular site. 

There are other examples of such simulated, multi-sensory and immersive environments. Technologists reached a milestone with Sensorama in 1956, the first-ever VR machine that could fit up to four people at a time.

The inventor, Morton Heilig, came from the Hollywood motion picture industry and wanted to see how people would react by feeling like they were actually “in the movie”. The innovative machine provided a simulation that made you feel like you were riding a motorcycle. People could hear the engine, see the road and even smell the motor’s exhaust. 

A new generation of gaming

Of course, it’s no secret that VR associates with the gaming sector for many. Special headsets, gloves, goggles, and similar gadgets help create the fantastic and abstract worlds of VR. Some argue that virtual experiences can bring out vivid emotions and real feelings. For this reason, the virtual arena is so attractive, as it allows one to interact expressively and without fear. 

Recently, the interest in VR grew significantly. According to eMarketer, a few years back, the number of VR users in the US reached 57.4 million. This shows that virtual reality also validates our social needs similarly to social media. 

The widespread use of VR 

Even though VR is still closely connected to video games, it’s now being integrated into our routines and everyday activities. Due to its multitude, virtual reality can be found in the medical sector, education industry, and various workplaces. For instance, VR is used in human resources as a tool for employee training to ensure that people have the needed skills at work. 

The VR training material covers all sorts of topics and even has environmental perks. For example, simulations of explosions and fires are created in the virtual world for firefighters’ training. The potential doesn’t stop here. Soldiers or astronauts train with VR and test the most demanding actions that are challenging to recreate in real life. 

Virtual reality and identity verification 

Recently redefined by Facebook as “a set of virtual spaces where you can create and explore with people who aren’t in the same physical space as you,” the metaverse has gained new attraction alongside new security challenges. With many technologies, such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, or 5G, this virtual reality world carries a level of anonymity. 

As more people join the virtual reality world, verifying the true identities behind virtual alter-egos is vital. Unfortunately, it won’t be possible to determine who’s behind the avatar in the virtual world without ID verification. VR also redefines regulation challenges, as more companies switch to online verification methods rather than sticking to traditional ways.

The technology behind 3D Liveness Detection detects and prevents fraud. It also sees digital images, high and low-resolution videos, deep fakes, paper, and silicone masks. Usually, it takes just a few clicks to upload an ID and a selfie to complete the verification. That’s why this process is smooth, secure, and user-friendly.

Final thoughts

The digital world carries security risks that could be very damaging. Authenticating avatars is a necessary process that reduces scams and identity theft. Many believe that soon, all users will verify their identities using a VR headset. We can assume that the virtual environment will become a part of our daily routine; we’ll be able to carry out meetings, go to concerts, exercise, and make friends – all by putting on a headset.

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