Home ยป How To Be An Awesome Guest Blogger In Six Simple Steps

How To Be An Awesome Guest Blogger In Six Simple Steps

Online advertising can be expensive, especially if you own a small business that has to work with a limited budget. To promote your business without spending a butt-load of cash, writing a guest article for a blog that isn’t your own will provide you with an opportunity to converse directly with your target audience.

A few years ago, people speculated that guest blogging would eventually die. However, it remains strong and is one of the most straightforward ways to promote your products, services, content, and business. From finding the appropriate outlets to utilize to know what to do after your guest post gets published, these x tips will help you create a killer guest blog. It will do wonders by bringing in tons of online traffic to your business, and hopefully, convert prospects into loyal, paying customers.

Figure out what websites and blogs are best for guest posting

A well-written guest post can provide your business with a global reach. But it is only possible if you approach the right blogs or websites. You have to choose those that meet a few basic requirements. These include;

  • The website readers should be influential people or your customers.
  • The website or blog should appear professional.
  • The website or blog should receive a lot of traffic.

To find the appropriate outlets, identify blogs or websites that your target audience visits. To do this, you can perform a Google search for the search string’ guest post + your niche.’ For example, if you own a business that sells vegan food, search for the term ‘guest post+vegan food.’ You’ll have tons of websites and blog posts that match your niche.

Incorporate the right keywords

You might already know that guest blogging will allow you to develop a strong content marketing strategy. What you don’t realize is that incorporating their right keywords into your blog post is also vital. Without spending some time researching keywords, you will waste time writing a blog as it will not yield you any results.

A keyword-optimized blog post will also improve your own website’s SEO indirectly. It is because of the backlinks that appear on your blog. Google recognizes backlinks as valuable as it adds more weight to your blog and increases its authenticity. However, always remember that using backlinks should not be your primary focus. It should be to provide value so that other blog posts link back to yours. To know more about backlinks, you can always use a backlink checker. It will allow you to monitor your and your competitor’s backlinks.

Develop your pitch

To become a successful guest blogger, it is vital to avoid generalized posting pitches. If you’ve already done your research, you’ll craft a winning guest blog.

The first step is to keep your guest blogging pitch short, concise, and to the point. Website and blog owners, especially those who own authoritative sites, sift through tons of guest blogging pitches every day. So, avoid wasting your time and theirs as well.

Secondly, utilize their name to your advantage. Most website owners will not read guest blogging pitches from people who don’t research such a fundamental detail. Thirdly, include the title of the post in your pitch. For example, successful pitches incorporate them into their email subject and heading within the email’s body when contacting the website or blog owner.

Lastly, describe the post in your pitch, but do it briefly. Explain what you wish to cover in your guest post in a few sentences or bullet points. Develop your unique angle and try to avoid downloadable templates as they are too generic.

Create stellar content

If your pitch gets approved, the next step to take is writing your guest post. Start by looking at the headline-the one you included in your guest blogging pitch. Even if the blog or website owner loved it, it wouldn’t hurt you to look at it again to see if it needs an update. The best headlines tap into the reader’s emotions, use actionable words, and benefit the reader.

You have to approach your guest blog in a way that answers a question or resolves a pressing problem your target audience faces. That said, it shouldn’t promote your business blatantly. However, it should show your customer that you have great expertise in your field. Once your readers know that you understand their struggles, you will have a better chance of driving customers to your website through your guest blog. No matter the topic, your guest blog should aim to show your readers that you know your stuff, and your blog’s content is proof of that.

Incorporate images and format the guest blog appropriately

Finding the right images for your guest blog can be a hassle. So, unless the website owner does it himself or herself, help them by suggesting relevant pictures for your guest blog. These images will highlight your main points and simplify the content, making it easier for readers to grasp.

Finally, you also have to format your guest blog to match others present on your website. Make a note of your other blog posts and how they use texts, lists, subheadings, capitalization, etc. The less work the website owner has to do, the more popular you will be in front of them. Some website and blog owners do provide guidelines guest bloggers need to follow. In such a case, all you have to do is follow them as precisely as you can.

Proofread your guest blog post

Before your guest blog gets published, a team of editors will go through your copy. To increase chances of approval and avoid embarrassing mistakes, proofread it or ask a friend to proofread it for you. The latter is a better option. Other than checking for grammar or spelling mistakes, check for sentence structuring, flow, and links.

If you’ve hired a freelance writer to write your blog post, don’t forget to use an online plagiarism checker to ensure that they didn’t plagiarize it from someplace else. You wouldn’t want to get rejected because you failed to remove plagiarism by rewording a few paragraphs now, right?


Guest blogging on reputable, authoritative websites is an excellent way to feed off the success of posts that are popular in your niche. To capture a spot on these websites, you will have to work tirelessly on creating an engaging pitch that shows your content’s worth. The most successful and attractive guest blogs focus on reader-friendly topics, especially if you aim to have them well-indexed on Google.

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