Home » Top Best Writing Applications and Softwares for Authors

Top Best Writing Applications and Softwares for Authors

Finding an efficient app to use while writing your book is quite essential. These apps may provide you with an outline which enables your work remain neat and edit your work to satisfactory levels. Also, when you are dealing with homework writing help its also can help you. This will require you to initially have self selling content for polish up.

You may require a couple of the softwares for you to achieve what you want because they perform different tasks.

Writing Software

  • Microsoft word

This software will neatly organize your work and unify it. Unfortunately Microsoft word may not be able to support a real huge document.

  • Scrivener

It gives you a unified and organized output. It will provide you with an excellent mood board, comments and character delineation among others. Scrivener in highly recommended for quick learning and Mac devices

  • Google Docs

Google Docs allows you to easily swap devices and hence best recommended if you wish to work with the editor. It also ensures your work is securely saved.

  • Shaxpir

This is an online writing software that has amazing features unlike many other online writing softwares which customarily have very few features making them unpopular among writers.

Writing Applications

iA writer (WINNER) has an excellent focus mode and displays the word count as you write. This make the app very nice.

  • Byword

This is an iOS and Mac application that is used for undistracted writing. It therefore allows the writer to focus on what he or she is doing.

  • Wattpad

An online platform used by writers to post their work at no cost.

  • Dropbox

This is a cloud that offers data hosting services. It easily allows you to switch between devices.  With this app you’ll be required to choose the file you wish to save in the cloud.

Tracking Apps

These applications provides the user with a history of his or her writing periods, sum up the word, set a target and trace your progression.

This apps include:

  1. Wordly,
  2. Wordkeeper
  3. 5000 WPH

Productivity Software

These are applications that helps you stay on your toes. They place you in a class with people of a similar interest to boost your motivation and increase your responsibility in respect to your work. This apps will also employ gamification and appreciate winners; this normally acts as an incentive to the writers. This softwares include:

  1. MyWriteClub
  2. WriterSprints
  3. FocusMate
  4. 4thewords

Editing and Formatting Software

Having completed your draft, you will be apt to seek a reliable application that will help you edit your work.

Here is a number of the softwares that you may use.

  1. Style writer
  2. PerfecIt
  3. ProWritingAid
  4. Grammarly


There are applications that are designed to make your outline well organized. These apps include:

  1. AeonTimeline
  2. StoryIst
  3. NovelCreator
  4. The Novel Factory (will help you with characters, goal, setting, antagonist, and catastrophe. The five major aspects of any story)

It is my hope that these reviews were helpful to you. You just need to identify your interest and go for the one that suits your case best.

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