Today, much of our entertainment is done online. With people turning to the internet to pass their spare time, it’s vital for online entertainment companies to up their marketing game in order to stay relevant and gain an edge over the rapidly increasing competition. However, with online marketing techniques going from strength to strength, there are many different things that entertainment company owners can use in order to ensure that their company stands out from the crowd online. But, deciding on a marketing method, especially with so much choice available today, can often be tricky – especially if you are working with a smaller budget. We’ve listed some of the best marketing strategies and techniques for online entertainment companies to use.
Social Media
When it comes to really engaging with your customers, social media is one of the best platforms to use. Considering that a massive percentage of the population uses some form of social networking such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat, it makes perfect sense for your company to develop a presence on these networks in order to keep customers up to date with the latest developments and engage with their target audience as much as possible.
Social media is a very versatile marketing platform which not only allows you to share a broad range of content such as text content, photos, videos, and even live videos and interactive polls that your customers can take part in, but also allows you to keep in touch with your customers on an individual level by replying to tweets, Facebook comments, messages and more, for example. One entertainment company which provides a great example of how social media marketing can be used to its full potential is Sun Bingo. Check out their Twitter page for an example of a company engaging their customers perfectly.
One of the best ways for entertainment companies such as gaming companies to market themselves and build their online presence is to start a blog. Blogging gives you an awesome opportunity to constantly update your site with fresh content, which will help your SEO and be influential in maintaining a high position in the Google Search Engine results. Blogging provides your readers with interesting content and answers to their questions, helping to spark and maintain their interest in your site. By blogging at least twice a week or more, you will significantly increase your company’s ability to be found in search engines and drastically improve your online presence by establishing yourself as an authority voice. And, you can even use your blog to generate leads and sales by including calls to action in your blog posts.
Photo Sharing
Entertainment companies may sell services rather than products, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t benefit from photo sharing online. Recently, visual content has become more and more important to the viewer, as we can see from the rapid increase in businesses which are now using photo-sharing social media platforms such as Instagram, Pinterest or Snapchat. Sharing photos can be a great way of connecting with your target audience, as you can engage with them by asking them to send in their own photographs to be featured, or vote for their favourite, for example. But, simply using eye-catching photographs on these sharing platforms can be a hugely effective way of grabbing attention and driving more traffic to your entertainment site.
Video Marketing
Recently, video marketing, which traditionally took place on the television, has made its way into the online world. Online videos have been around for ages since the rise of YouTube, however, it’s only been in the last couple of years or so that businesses in all industries have realised the huge potential of combining both digital and video marketing as a strategy. Video marketing works well with social media, especially Facebook, where short clips are becoming more popular than any other kind of status update. Videos are effective for grabbing the attention of the viewer and drawing them in by telling a story or informing them of something new. For many entertainment companies, tutorial and ‘how to’ style videos can be an excellent addition to a site, blog or social media profile and are sure to generate a lot of interest.
Email Marketing
Last but not least, email marketing can still be an effective strategy for entertainment companies to use for marketing today. Although email marketing may have gotten itself a bit of a bad reputation due to spammers and marketers sending out emails to recipients who haven’t given their permission to be on the mailing list, email marketing can be a hugely useful strategy when it’s done right. This is especially true for online entertainment companies, who often have a lot of useful material that they can use in emails to grab the attention of their readers and encourage them to visit the site and sign up.
However, email marketing is to be approached with great care as going about it the wrong way can bring about a damaged reputation and eventually have the complete opposite effect of the one that you’d hoped for. When putting together an email marketing campaign, the first thing that you will need to ensure is that all of your mailing list have given you their explicit permission to be included. Not only will this earn you reputation points, but you’ll also have a better response as you’ll know that the emails you send were expected.
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