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6 Mistakes to Avoid When Visiting Texas For a Business Trip

Unlike a personal trip, a business trip involves additional planning like securing your electronics (because you’ll likely be carrying multiple gadgets) and ensuring your business clothing is spotless and wrinkle-free. But even if you’ve got the perfect power suit and your laptop is safely packed away, a few things can go wrong – be it a Chicago or Texas business trip. To help make sure your business trip to Texas is as smooth as possible, avoid these six mistakes.

Not Dressing for the Heat

No matter what time of year you’re visiting, Texas is always hot. And we’re not just talking about the temperature – the humidity levels can be brutal. It can be tough to adjust if you’re not used to the heat.

Pack light, natural fabrics that breathe to ensure you don’t end up a sweaty mess. Linen is always a good choice, as are cotton and silk. And don’t forget to pack a hat! A wide-brimmed sunhat will protect your face and neck from the sun and can also double as a stylish accessory.

Skipping Breakfast

With all the hustle and bustle of getting ready for a business trip, it can be tempting to skip breakfast. But resist the urge! A healthy breakfast will give you the energy to power through a busy day of meetings.

And if you’re not used to the heat, you’ll need all the energy you can get. When temperatures soar, your body must work harder to regulate its temperature, which can lead to fatigue.

Eating a nutritious breakfast will help you avoid that midday slump. So make sure to start your day with a hearty meal, like eggs and toast or oatmeal with fruit.

Wearing the Wrong Shoes

When you’re packing for a business trip, it’s important to remember that you’ll be doing a lot of walking. Whether exploring the city or running between meetings, you’ll be on your feet all day long.

So make sure to pack comfortable shoes that can handle a lot of walking. Avoid anything with a high heel or a very pointed toe, as those can be painful after a few hours of walking. Instead, opt for shoes with a low heel and a wide toe box, like loafers or ballet flats.


It can be tempting to pack your entire closet when you’re going on a business trip, but resist the urge! Not only will you have to lug around a heavy suitcase, but you’ll also be stuck paying for excess baggage fees.

To avoid overpacking, make a list of the items you’ll need for your trip. Then, edit that list down to the essentials. When in doubt, go for versatile pieces that can be dressed up or down, like a black dress or a pair of dark jeans.

Not Booking Accommodations Beforehand

If you’re visiting Texas on business, chances are you’ll be spending most of your time in the city. And while there are plenty of hotels to choose from, it’s always best to book your furnished apartments in Arlington, va, beforehand.

Not only will this save you the hassle of finding a hotel when you arrive, but it will also ensure that you get a room that meets your needs. If you have any special requests (like a crib for an infant or a rollaway bed), be sure to mention them when you book so that the hotel can accommodate you.

Forgetting Cash

While most places in Texas accept credit cards, there are still some that only take cash. So before you leave for your trip, make sure you have some cash on hand.

Final Word

A business trip to Texas shouldn’t have to feel overwhelming. To make sure your business trip to Texas is a success, avoid the above mistakes.

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