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Why is Cloud Data Technology So Important in 2019?

Cloud data technology is used by both individuals and organizations to help save storage space on devices, create efficiency, and gain access to technical resources. While the use of cloud data technology is becoming the norm, advances in high-definition video and artificial intelligence will create more of a necessity for cloud services. Industry experts estimate that up to 89 percent of individual user traffic will come from high-definition video by 2025. This presents a challenge in terms of both storage space and devices that are powerful enough to run large media files and applications. Organizations, in particular, can gain several advantages from cloud data technology.

  1. Flexibility

Flexibility is important to organizations that need to adjust quickly to changing consumer needs, industry problems, and internal resources. Cloud data solutions can reduce the burden on internal resources, including staff hours, staff expertise, and IT hardware. For example, a school district can use cloud-based services to host a circulation and inventory system for its library resources instead of installing client-based software on multiple machines. When these types of applications are hosted using a cloud-based service, IT staff no longer has to spend time troubleshooting, uninstalling, reinstalling, and upgrading software applications. The application also no longer takes up space on hard drives and patrons can access the application on all machines within the organization. Built-in technical support and maintenance are also often included in cloud-hosted application packages.  

  1. Data Management

With the increase in the amount of information stored and exchanged between individuals and organizations, there is an increased need for storage space. Cloud data technology can use a state-of-the-art data center to remove the burden of storage from organizations. Furthermore, those within the organization can access that data from multiple devices and even from devices that are not connected to the organization’s internal network. Collaboration and productivity can increase when word processing documents and spreadsheets can be worked on from anywhere. Cloud services also allow for instantaneous document sharing and collaboration. While copies of these documents can be downloaded easily, cloud data technology reduces the need for physical storage methods that make data vulnerable to loss.

  1. Internet of Things (IoT)

As the Internet of Things (IoT) becomes more central to business productivity, cloud data technology will be even more important. Precision agriculture, for instance, relies on IoT devices to send and exchange data about irrigation levels. These devices, integrated with cloud data services, increase efficiency, productivity, and financial returns. The concepts of smart cities and smart homes cannot be executed without IoT devices and cloud data services. Artificial intelligence will also need increased processing power that individual devices will not be able to handle alone. Cloud data technology will be able to provide those processing capabilities.

As technology needs and capabilities evolve, the need for cloud data services will continue to increase. The management of data, applications, increased processing power, and security lets organizations leverage internal capabilities. Cloud data technology increases collaboration, efficiency, and productivity by freeing up resources and expanding data access. With new technologies such as IoT and artificial intelligence, cloud data technology is necessary. Organizations and individuals can achieve more with less by using the pooled infrastructure resources of cloud services. Compliance with government regulations regarding data management and security can also be shifted to cloud services providers that can devote the appropriate time and expertise.    

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