Home » Local SEO Tips for Mortgage Websites

Local SEO Tips for Mortgage Websites

Loan and mortgage websites have to compete with numerous other local companies catering to the same target audience. So how do you make your business stand out among a host of others vying for the attention of home buyers in your city or town?

The answer lies in SEO and digital marketing targeted at your ideal customer—a complex task requiring time, dedication and, above all, expertise in local SEO. Here are four tips that will help you gain a better understanding of local digital marketing for mortgage and financial companies.

Get your Google business profile in order

Having a My Business profile is essential in order for your business to be shown in local search results and to be spotted correctly on Google Maps. Business profile is the information that a user will see when they click on the name of your company in search results. Claim your business if you still haven’t done it, and make sure the displayed information is accurate and up to date. You can do this at Google.com/business.

Generate high-quality content

Every word that is published by you or on your behalf should be authentic, informative and useful for your customers. Be it the pages on your website, guest posts sourced from an SEO agency, or videos and infographics—ensure that the content is unique, exclusive and relevant to your audience.

Generating both onsite and offsite content is important for a successful mortgage marketing campaign. Publish weekly on your own blog, subscribe to a guest posting service such as submitcore guest post, and keep your social media pages alive. Content marketing is the backbone of any successful SEO campaign, and if done right, it will give you tangible results in a short time.

Create a web of quality backlinks

Gaining links on well-known, popular and high-traffic websites that point back to your local business are a proven way to create a strong online presence, especially when you’re just starting out and want to be seen on local sites frequented by your target customers.

You can gain some of these links through your contacts at local organizations; however, to avoid wasting time and money, adopt a more robust and long-term link building strategy by engaging an experienced link-building service, such as submitcore’s white hat link building, to get authentic backlinks from relevant local websites of repute.

Gain positive online reviews

With more and more people searching for mortgage companies online, it is important to boost your brand with authentic positive reviews by your past customers. Consider which loan company you will choose as a customer: one that is highly recommended or another one that claims to be good but doesn’t have anything to show for customer reviews to support its claim?

Reach out to your happy clients and request them to leave reviews on Google as well as on sites such as Yelp. This will not only improve your search engine rankings but also impact how your potential customers perceive your brand.

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