Home » The Most Important Metrics That Matter For Your Website

The Most Important Metrics That Matter For Your Website

Crunching The Right Numbers

There is an ocean of data pertaining to your website, and not all of that data will help you more efficiently run operations. You need to identify which metrics are the most important, and you need to initiate a logging framework to help you more swiftly manage those numbers as you identify them.

In this writing, several of the most important metrics will be examined. Today’s operations give you the ability to more comprehensively manage websites in a numerical sense than ever before. If you’re going to remain competitively viable, mastering such data through modern tools and techniques is key.

  1. Bounce Rate

Bounce Rate refers to how long a client carries on your site. Usually, you’re going to have around 50% of traffic find their way to your site and immediately leave. If you’re seeing a bounce rate higher than fifty percent, that’s bad. But if it’s lower than 50%, you’re doing well. Regardless of how directed, your outreach is, you can almost always expect to see about half your total traffic “bounce” as soon as they hit your landing page.

  1. Traffic

If you have only two visitors to your site, and one bounce, that’s pretty low traffic. If you have two million visitors, and one million bounce, it’s the same statistic, but you’re likely hitting the numbers you seek. You need to measure the kind of traffic your site is getting as well as associated trends to ensure you’re giving your site proper bandwidth.

By measuring this kind of traffic, you can determine if what you need pertains to how your site is configured, or whether you just need to modify your backlink profile, or something else to increase traffic.

  1. Conversion Rate

When people visit your site, you can expect a conversion rate of some caliber. If it’s 1%, that may seem low; but 1% of 100,000 is 1,000 conversions. Meanwhile, 1% of 100 is…1. So what level of conversion is acceptable for your site’s operation will in large part depend on your existing business volume and sustainable revenue levels.

Ideally, you should see your conversion rate expand over time, rather than contract. When you’re monitoring it closely, you can determine whether certain changes in your site affect this positively or negatively. A “shopping cart” can actually detract from sales if its interface is poorly designed and irritating to deal with. Changing such an interface could increase site conversion.

You won’t know if you don’t have the numbers. As an aside, working with SEO agencies can help you expand your site’s Search Engine Results Page (SERP) ranking, helping your site get more traffic and higher conversion. They can additionally supply you more metrics pertaining to your operation pertaining directly to your site, as well as your business’s other online travels.

  1. Load Capacity

How much traffic can your site handle? The load capacity of your site will be greater if it has a low profile initially, and doesn’t take up a lot of bandwidth. Multimedia files are monsters in this regard. The more multimedia you have, the greater necessary bandwidth for your site to load. The slower your site loads, the fewer time visitors will stick around.

Ideally, your site should load very quickly, giving visitors immediate access to the information they came there to find, or the products they came to buy. This should be the case for large and small websites. If your site isn’t configured to handle the traffic you have, then it will load slowly or not work; it will become overloaded.

You need to design your site with an initial load capacity that can handle existing traffic within a realistic, but large enough, margin of error. Continuously you must expand the level of traffic your site can handle as your business scales out.

Optimizing Your Website

Once you’ve identified which particular metrics are most relevant to you, you need to set up the earlier-mentioned logging framework to manage them. You can learn more here about cloud logging, and how you can use solutions like this to better your website.

Continuous optimization is necessary owing to multiple factors, among them the shifting trends of internet web design, technological innovation, and the forward transition of your own company over time. Different metrics will be different for different companies in accordance with these trends. Your best bet will be to make site upgrade and management continuous.

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